International cooperation


Main directions:

1. Active cooperation with international self-governing professional organizations.

Strategic direction:

— Focus on the best international experience of self-regulation.
— Delegation of government powers to the Federation based on the international experience.

2. Active participation in the implementation of international projects in the direction of professional information and analytical support and expert support of the healthcare reform process.


Implementation of the best international experience of self-regulation of medical professions, justification of the need to delegate authority to the UFMO (accreditation of training programs, list of knowledge, practical skills and competencies; requirements and criteria for licensing, certification of medical workers; activation and improvement the efficiency of international projects).


1. Establishing contacts and concluding Memorandums of Cooperation between the UFMO and international self-governing professional organizations, in particular the American Medical Association.

2. Adaptation of international experience in self-regulation of medical professions in order to develop an effective mechanism for uniting the entire professional medical community on the principles of self-regulation.

3. Ensuring the involvement and organization of the Federation’s participation in the implementation of international projects and programs in the following areas:

— in the direction of establishing cooperation with international organizations for the purpose of professional information and analytical support and expert support of the healthcare reform process;
— in the direction of professional development, including the popularization of medical professions and the introduction of CPD in the medical industry;
— in the direction of establishing cooperation with medical non-governmental Public Organizations of European countries and the USA.

4. Expert, methodological and informational support for the development of the Concept for the development of the healthcare system of Ukraine with the participation of specialists from the American Medical Association engaged by the Ministry of Health, including:

— finalization of the Action Plan for the implementation of the Concept for the Development of the Public Health System, approved by Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 560-r. dated August 18, 2017 and development of a common position on the adoption of the draft Law on the Public Health System (No. 4142 of September 22, 2020), taking into account international experience and proposals of foreign partners;
— finalization of the Action Plan for the implementation of the Concept for the Development of Mental Health Care in Ukraine for the period until 2030, approved by Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1018-g. dated December 27, 2017, taking into account international experience and proposals of foreign partners;
— finalization of the Action Plan for the implementation of the e-Health Concept Development, approved by Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1671-r. dated December 28, 2020, taking into account international experience and proposals of foreign partners;
— participation in the development of ways to solve problems of adequate financial support for the provision of medical care and attracting additional sources of financing for healthcare institutions, taking into account international experience and foreign partners.


International news